
Construction - Frequently Asked Questions

We gathered the best of our product experts knowledge to make sure we answer all of your questions.

Where can I go to get more product and technical information?

If you did not find what you need on the Products section on our website, you can easily find more information by downloading our Camso Sales Intelligence mobile App on the Apple Store or by accessing it from the web at si.camso.co. You will find detailed explanation on the features and benefits of all our products.

You can also browse our latest Product catalog. If you are looking for more detailed technical information, you can also access our Complete Databook.

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Where can I buy Camso products?

If you are an end user, you can find a local dealer by clicking on the « Find a Dealer » tab.

If you are an Original Equipment Manufacturer, a dealer or a distributor, please get in touch with us through the Contact form page.

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I have an issue with one of your products, what do I do?

If you have issues with one of our tires or tracks, you can contact your local dealer who will look into your matter with our sales representatives. You can easily find a local dealer by clicking on the « Find a Dealer » tab.

You can also learn about our warranty policy.

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Do you have the right track or tire to fit my machine?

If you don’t know which of our tires or tracks fits on your machine, you can easily find out if we have the right tire or track for you by going to our tire and Track selector section in our Products page. You can fill as many field as possible or simply enter your machine brand and model. Once you selected the product, you will be able to see the size and specs of our product on the bottom of the product page.

Alternatively, you could also find out which machines fit for a given track. This tool is only accessible via our Sales Intelligence website page.

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What does the nomenclature of your products mean?

Our construction tire naming nomenclature is built to provide as much details as possible on the product itself.

For Construction tires, the first part of our nomenclature is our brand name, the second part contains three letters that represent the main machine this product is designed for. Then, the next three digits define the product. They represent respectively the positioning of the tire, the surface type and the tread pattern. Finally, if you find a R or a S at the end of the naming, that will indicate if the product is a Radial or a Solid. Most of our tires now use this new nomenclature with just a few exceptions.

You can easily find more information by downloading our Camso Sales Intelligence mobile App on the Apple Store or by accessing it from the web at si.camso.co.

For construction tracks, we usually identify tracks by Width x Pitch x Links & Pattern / Guiding type / Metal piece type. You can you can easily find more information by downloading our Camso Sales Intelligence mobile App on the Apple Store or by accessing it from the web at si.camso.co.

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How can I see Camso products in action?

You can find product videos on the individual product page of our website. You also see our complete video library on our Camso Youtube page.

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Why so many tire tread patterns for one machine ?

At Camso, we develop tires and tracks to best suit your application, depending on the nature of your job and the type of the environment in which you operate. There are 6 main categories of tread depths:

  • Ribbed (Normal tread depth)
  • Traction type (directional)
  • Rock type (non-directional)
  • Deep Rock type
  • Extra deep rock type
  • Flotation type (sand service)

You can learn more on the different tires and tracks specifications by downloading our Camso Sales Intelligence Mobile App on the Apple Store or by accessing it from the web at si.camso.co.

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What does the word ‘painted’ in your product description for PID refers to?

We have added the word painted to all product description where the tire has a special coating to protect against UV damages.

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