How to install track systems on an ATV or UTV?
Whether you’re getting geared up for hunting in the fall, setting up for some work on your piece of land, or seeking your next ice fishing adventure, if you’re planning to use your track systems to give your ride the edge you need, you’ll have to install them first. While we recommend turning to your local dealer for help on installation and maintenance of your ATV and UTV track systems – and to benefit from our 2 year limited warranty – we know that many enthusiasts prefer taking care of it themselves from the comfort of their own garage.
Before going too far out, especially if this is your first time installing track systems, make sure to check out our tips below, and most importantly, read the installation guidelines and check your parts list to make sure you have all parts.
So, how easy is the track system installation
This all depends on your experience, the tools you have at home, and if you have a suitable workspace. According to some users it can be easy, even with minimal mechanical experience. Required tools are standard and usually found in most people’s garage. To install the track systems, you’ll require:
- Floor jack
- Stands
- Drill
- Screwdriver
- Wrench
- Measuring tape
Also very useful are those optional tools developed by Camso that you can find at your local dealer:
- Track tension testing tool

- Tensioner alignment jig

- Wheel extractor tool

Here’s a time lapse video with step-by-step installation tips for a Camso X4S track system on a Can-Am Outlander Max XT 850 (this video example represents general installation of Camso track systems on different four-wheelers and side-by-sides):
How long will it take to install my track systems?
For your first installation, it will take a bit more time as you’ll be reading the instructions. Once you’re used to it, it should take about 2 hours, which can vary depending on your vehicle and tools. Without the proper tools it can take up to half a day.
Make sure to follow the installation guidelines and take your time. Also, use a flat work surface, a jack and appropriate stands to work safely on the vehicle. Once you’re familiar with the steps, it’ll be quicker. We also recommend doing the installation with a friend. It’s easier when you’ve got a helping hand. As seen in the video above, installing the track systems with another person reduces installation time.
Side note: uninstalling the track system usually requires less time than installing them.
Just like tires, track systems need to be aligned. How can I make sure my track systems are aligned?
In a nutshell, here’s how to do it: you can check the alignment using two fixed points inside the track systems. Final adjustments are important to ensure proper mechanics, as it can have an impact on both performance and longevity of your track systems’ parts. Just like it would for tires on a car, a misaligned track system can lead to premature wear or failure. We recommend referring to your owner’s manual for complete instructions.
Before you go, if you have questions about installation or would like some tips, we highly recommend you contact your local dealer for advice. Also, if you’re currently considering purchasing track systems and are wondering about what type of maintenance it requires, here’s our complete maintenance guide that our team answers regularly. Want to learn more about our products? It’s this way!