Construction | Best practices | 03.07.17

7 Tips for Construction users

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Chances are you won’t have to count on good luck to keep your construction equipment running if you’re following these 7 experts’ advices to extend the life and performance of your tires.

  1. Be knowledgeable about your application and surface conditions: What’s the severity? Is it harsh or more general duty? How much traction is required? Are you at risk from a sidewall impact or punctures? Is the surface soft, mixed or hard? Tires and tracks are not a one size fits all approach. It’s rare that one product can do everything. With so many variables at play (surface conditions, use of attachments, duty cycles, performance requirements and much more), it’s important to find the right tire for your application.
  2. Consult and partner with a reliable local dealer.
  3. Determine which performance factors is the most important for you: Variables such as inflation pressure, duty cycle, speed, ambient temperature, road maintenance, machine maintenance, attachments and load density all play roles in selecting tires that will deliver the lowest operating cost.
  4. Keep good records to better understanding overall cost per hour – hint: your local dealer can assist with this.
  5. Utilize available online tools and resources – do your research!
  6. Commit to a good maintenance program with regular vehicle inspections, air pressure checks and preventive maintenance – hint: your local dealer can also assist with this.
  7. Don’t base your decision on price: Often, users rely on price as the governing factor. In most cases, the cheapest solution will not be the best or most effective for a particular application. Understand that tires and tracks can be one of the most expensive consumable items on your equipment.

It’s wise to invest a little time and effort to ensure you are paying the right attention to your tires so you get the lowest operating cost. Choosing the right tire and do proper maintenance will minimize downtime, headaches and maximize your machine’s performance. Theses 7 tips will help you use your tires correctly and thus, not run through them too quickly.

To select the right tire according to your application, vehicle and surface type, contact your local tire dealer or browse the Camso product selector.

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