
Camso AG products distribution in Europe

This form is only available to customers in Europe.

Camso AG products distribution in Europe

Camso is gearing up to enhance its distribution and sales model, in an ongoing effort to better serve its agricultural customers in Europe.

Since May 1, 2019, European dealers wishing to offer Camso’s agricultural products are able to go directly to Camso distribution centres and customer service teams when ordering rubber tracks and wheels or when requesting technical information and on-site product support.

If you are interested in distributing Camso's products, please get in touch with us so our team can discuss this opportunity with you. Either fill in the form or call us at +49 2065 90 67 0

Agriculture - Camso AG products distribution in Europe

Contact information

  • I have read and agree with:
    • The Camso Terms of Use and Privacy Policy which explains what information is collected about me whenever I interact with Camso, including via this form and via website cookies, and how Camso may use this information. I also understand that my personal data may be transfered outside of the European Union, including to Canada which is subject to a European Commission adequacy decision, and where there is no European Commission adequacy decision Camso will take steps to ensure that the transfer is lawful.
    • I am at least 18 years
  • You may request that Camso modify or delete any personal information it may have regarding you at any time by contacting Camso 2633, rue MacPherson, Magog J1X 0E6 Or by email at Ag.Product.Support@camso.co

News and updates

You may unsubscribe to any of Camso’s electronic messages by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of any of the electronic messages. You may contact Camso Inc. at 2633 MacPherson, Magog (Québec) J1X 0E6 CANADA. Or by email at: AG.Product.Support@camso.co